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OpenHotel Blog
Cloud PMS and Credit Card Security
A new feature has been implemented in order to keep you and your guests' credit card
information safe. Credit card numbers can only be seen by those logging in from approved IP addresses.

Several weeks ago implementation of IP logins began. This meant that notifications of all logins from non-approved IP addresses were sent to the admin address as listed in the settings file. They were asked to approve or block IP addresses.

Now only employees logging in from approved IP addresses are able to see credit card numbers. This is regardless of department levels or permissions.

If the admin of the site had not approved an IP address, they have been receiving an email with a link which allows them to approve or block. You can see all IPs, Unverified, Approved and Blocked by going to the website tab > Security > IP Security. This is only accessible by those with admin permission.

Why did we do this?

Cyber threats are escalating dramatically. OpenHotel is committed to being a virtual brick wall with razor wire and guard towers in order to keep your valuable information safe.

If you have any questions, feel free to call support at 702-628-5014.